Have you ever had one of those days when you bent, turned or twisted – maybe whilst lifting something very light – and felt your back ‘go’?! Do you ever move carefully to protect your back because it is delicate or prone to injury? Well . . . those days are gone!!
Many years ago there were two very general responses to any kind of episode of back pain:
- Rest
- Avoid activity
These were recommended because the spine was, in contemporary terms, very much misunderstood and maligned. The medical community believed that disc prolapses and trapped nerves were commonplace events and were symptoms of a weakness or propensity to injury. This view was mainly due to a lack of vision. Vision of the spine that is! In a world without accurate, usable scanning technology there was literally no way of knowing what was happening in the spine. So, when back pain was reported the safest and simplest solution was to avoid aggravating the condition any further. Everything else was really just an assumption, albeit based on clinical tests.
Following the dawn of digital scanning technology, therapists were able to observe the spine and its surrounding organs in increasingly phenomenal detail. Research studies began to appear that revealed for the first time ever how the spine moved and responded to movement, or lack thereof. Some of these studies were conducted over periods of time, allowing researchers to monitor the effects of different factors on the spine and surrounding muscles, ligaments and associated joints.
The true strength and resilience of the spine is only just beginning to be understood. Believe me when I tell you that your spine is virtually bulletproof! There is very little that you can do to bother it. There are 33 bones in the column of bone from your pelvis to the bottom of your head. There are many more joints involved. Your back is the most mobile and versatile part of your body. It is also the strongest and most resilient. Most importantly, it is designed to move. A lot. It thrives on movement. Movement of the back is an incredibly effective healer. Especially when it is loaded with appropriate levels of resistance.
Time and time again it has been demonstrated that there should be no fear in movement. Remember – mobility is your friend! The one thing you should avoid when looking after your back is immobility. Modern daily life breeds immobility. Many people’s backs are immobile for over two-thirds of every day. THIS is where we should engender fear if anywhere. Look to the children for advice. Children are ALWAYS moving, fidgeting and adjusting their position. It is only in adulthood that this changes. We are conditioned to sit still and avoid movement when this is the MAIN cause of most back pain. Move more. When a posture becomes uncomfortable, change it. Go to the next most comfortable posture. Move frequently. Move for anything. Move for your back. Move for your health.
Trust me on this – your spine is fine – just like mine!!