Mind the Gap

Mind The Gap

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The gap in our Healthcare system. It is huge, needs filling and we aim to fill it.

We see many people in clinic who are suffering from symptomatic discomfort or pain due to problems with their mobility. This is, sadly, entirely normal to our team. Whilst we are obviously incredibly pleased to be of assistance and enormously enthusiastic in our efforts to achieve great results, it is a constant reminder that we should be doing better. The whole of the UK healthcare system should be doing better. There is a gap. A huge gap in provision and education.

The gap in education exists between what we understand and what we feel. Pain is a great reminder that action is required. Until that point, people very rarely respond to a growing crisis in mobility. This is entirely acceptable and is due to the gap in Healthcare education. After all, unless we learn as children how to properly and permanently maintain our mobility then how can we be expected to understand when, why and how something goes wrong with our body and, ultimately, our mobility?

There is also a gap in provision. When symptomatic pain occurs, for whatever reason, we tend to cease activity, whether it be gym based or outdoors. We are generally quite good at seeking advice and, where necessary, appropriate treatment. Once treatment is finished and the symptoms have receded, we will simply return to activity. Until the next time. The cycle of seeking provision then begins again. This cycle is unnecessary and should be eliminated.

At The Moballise Physiotherapy Clinic, we are very keen to fill this gap both in understanding and provision. We go to great lengths within our clinical contact sessions to ensure that we are both enabling our patients to monitor and maintain their future mobility whilst ensuring that patients are equipped with resilience against further future episodes.

We achieve this in two ways:

  • Firstly, we ensure that all our clinical contact sessions contain a suitable, gradually progressive level of education regarding both the current episode, its likely cause and, most importantly, the essential action necessary to prevent it ever happening again.
  • Secondly, we provide intensive rehabilitation. A huge part of rehabilitation is regaining range of movement and muscular strengthening. This allows us to begin building resilience against future episodes.

However vital these steps are to recovery, they are NOT the most important component of a fully rounded rehabilitation programme. Rehabilitation is nothing without education around maintenance. Unless the patient fully understands how to maintain their mobility in context of their future activity, further episodes of similar symptoms are almost inevitable, and the patient will end up back in clinic.

This is where The Moballise Physiotherapy Clinic excels. We fill the gap. We make sure that our patients are educated and understand how to avoid ever coming back to see us again for the same symptoms. We ensure that our provision guides the patient’s independence from self-assessment through self-treatment and rehabilitation. We provide knowledge. That provides independence, which ensures resilience.

Rather than give you a fish, we will teach you how to catch one.

Because mobility is life, life is time

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